Christopher Dinsdale


Christopher Dinsdale
Co-Chairman, Bank of Colorado

Chris graduated from Palmer High School in Palmer, Nebraska in 1972. He attended Hastings College in Hastings, Nebraska, USA and graduated from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln in 1977 with a degree in business administration.

Colorado is where Chris and his wife Joy call home. They have four children who reside in Colorado and Texas. As president of Dinsdale Brothers Inc., Chris oversees the cattle feeding and farming interests in Nebraska, Colorado and California. Chris is a director of Pinnacle Bank-Wyoming, co-chairman of Bank of Colorado as well as vice president and director of Pinnacle Bancorp in Omaha, Nebraska. Chris serves as chairman of Performance Plus Liquids LLC, past chairman of Sterling Ethanol LLC and Yuma Ethanol LLC. In 2005, directors of the National Cowboy Museum in Oklahoma City elected Chris to the board. He has served as the president of the board of directors for the NJC (Northeastern Junior College) Foundation since 2009.

Memberships include the Rocky Mountain Chapter of YPO/YPO Gold and Colorado Forum, a group of Colorado business people founded to create an informed, objective voice on critical public policy issues.

Chris was 2001 Business Person of the Year in Sterling, Colorado, USA. In 2003, Chris was named Elk Businessman of the Year. Then, together in 2009, the Logan County Chamber of Commerce named Chris and Joy Citizens of the Year.

Joy is a board member on the Denver Art Museum and is on the collections committee. Joy and Chris raised four children.

Zebra Incorporated