CARPOOLS and VANpooling


A vanpool is similar to a carpool but typically carries more people through the use of a company-owned or leased van.

Carpooling and company-supported vanpools not only save employees money on gas, tolls and car maintenance but also help to reduce carbon emissions.

Vanpoolers can meet at a convenient location, share driving, and pay a monthly rate to participate.

Employees in carpools and vanpools may have access to HOV lanes and enjoy the advantages of less stress and lower commuting costs.


One perceived obstacle to vanpooling can be the unpredictability of work schedules and family needs. Through the “Guaranteed Ride Home” program offered by Way to Go, employers can ensure that their team members are offered a free taxi ride home for a small annual fee in the case of unexpected schedule changes.

Best Practices: Carpools, Vanpools, and Guaranteed Ride Home

  • Encourage employee carpooling and vanpooling by subsidizing toll tags for carpoolers and providing convenient (or pre-paid) parking spaces for carpools and vans.

  • Use carpooling apps to connect commuters with similar routes and schedules.

  • The Denver Regional Council of Governments' Way to Go program offers a free online ride-matching tool for Denver-area commuters to find each other and explore carpooling and vanpooling options. Employers can set up their own network within the program so that employees are easily matched with other commuters within the same company.

  • The North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization offers vanpooling options through Vango.

  • Scoop is a for-profit carpool app that connects co-workers going the same way in safe, reliable, and convenient door-to-door carpools. Even if plans change, backup commute options ensure every employee has a dependable way to and from the workplace every day.

  • A vanpool is another option offered by Way to Go and Commute with Enterprise. For a subsidized fee, the vanpool program provides a vehicle, insurance and fuel for a group commute with members sharing the driving responsibilities. Way to Go helps connect commuters in the area and offers a variety of vehicles from minivans to 15-passenger vans.

  • Some companies choose to purchase or lease their own vans for a company vanpool.

  • The IRS allows employers to provide a non-taxable benefit to employees to pay for transit passes or vanpool benefits.

COLORADO'S Champions of Change


VMware has embraced vanpooling. With 500 employees in Broomfield, 200 in Boulder, and 100 in Denver, the national cloud computing and software company operates multiple vanpools at any given time.

In a partnership with Enterprise, VMware helps connect employees who live near each other and travel to the same office location. The company provides a van or SUV to employee groups of four or more. For a monthly fee of $50 per person (via a pre-tax payroll deduction), employees share the vanpool and the driving responsibilities. Vehicles are equipped with free Wi-Fi to help employees stay productive and each van has a paid HOV toll pass. Employees value the ability to reduce their driving and reduce the costs associated with driving a single occupancy car.

VMware is also embracing telework. Prior to the pandemic, working from home was approved on an as-needed basis. Based on the huge success with telework in 2020, VMware plans to encourage employee choice going forward. Employees may choose whether to work from home, go to the office or have a flex plan with the option of a “drop-in” seat when they plan to work at an office.

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